Stories From Users

My best friend isn't like most best friends, she's a horse. I've had Luminaria for about 5 years now and she brings me all my joy in life. All this is to say, I was distraught when one day I walked out to her paddock to find her ribs swelling up like a balloon. From what I could tell, her stall mate must have kicked her at some point in the night.
I was terrified at first, even the faintest touch seemed to send shocks of pain down her spine. I couldn't even hug my pain stricken friend, let alone ride her. I was able to get some DMSO (which vets say should help) but her improvements were minimal and slow at best.
Then I got an idea; I had recently been treated by a friend with a therapeutic laser for my sore wrist. When I got lasered, I was better than ever by the next morning, so I wondered why not try the same thing for my horse? Anyways, I picked up a VNS Laser and boy did it work! I gave Lulu her first 10 minute treatment the afternoon it arrived, and by morning I could hug her again. Doing 10 minutes at max power once a day all over her ribs helped tremendously. After weeks of pain and suffering, just a couple days of laser therapy was enough to get her saddled up again.
Thank you to the VNS team for letting me write my story!

The Mendez Family
We'd like to introduce you to Fatty, our family's little bundled of joy. He's lively, cuddly, and brings so much fun and cheer into our house. But, being that Fatty's a bulldog, and he's getting up there in years, we've recently started running into some problems.
Fatty has developed chronic back problems and pain, and had to undergo surgery. Afterwards, he still had lots of pain and even inflammation in his spinal chord. Our vet said it would mostly go away on its own, but that Fatty may have back pain forever. She recommended us a VNS Laser.
Willing to try anything for our furry friend, we were able to get one at a discounted rate. This laser has been a godsend to our poor Fatty. Not only did his inflammation go away in just 2 treatments, his back pain completely disappears for days at a time. Now, every time Fatty starts to get a little slow or have some pain, we give him a quick 10 minute laser session and he's back to new! Fatty, and our family, LOVE this laser, it really works!

Tammy's Horse
Hey, my name's Tammy and recently my horse went through some pretty rough summer sores. For months, my horse was struggling with summer sores all over her legs, some, on the back legs, got as big as my hand. Of course this cause immense pain, to the point where some days riding was just not possible.
I called a number of different vets to take a look at the problem, all of which had their own solutions and snake oils, but ultimately nothing helped. After months of pain and frustration, I was introduced to therapeutic lasers by someone at my barn. Thanks to a discount, I was able to pick the VNS Laser up for cheap, and it worked like a charm. Within one day the largest of summer sores were already 20% better, and gone within the week.
Whenever a summer sore, or any kind of problem pops up with my horse, or even me, I laser it away! This is a fantastic product!